I'm keeping the streak going and I might set a record for 3 blog posts in a row, jajaja. Today Kevin and I had a craving for some street style Mexican fish tacos and thankfully we are in biking distance to
Mariscos German, which I assume most of you already know about them. In case you don't, which you should, they are located on the corner of University Ave. & 35th. Growing up in TJ I took this food for granted because there were tons of options and at our disposal, but now I crave them and head straight there.

Today we stuck to the classic baja-style battered and fried fish tacos, and since we wanted to treat ourselves we ordered us an aguachile tostada de camaron. Aguachile literally translate to chile water and by the time you are done eating this spicy, limey, fresh shrimp tostada that's exactly whats left on the plate. Aguachile is similar to ceviche where the shrimp is cooked by the lime juice, but the addition of the chiltepines, the red ball chiles, give it a strong dry spice that makes you crave a nice cold chela or beer. The tostada is then topped with some pickled red onions and fresh sliced aguacate. Needless to say, as we were riding back to crank some more work hours we stopped by the store and picked up some tall boy Modelos, sat in the back patio with the beautiful San Diego sun and worked some more. Not a bad day. Gotta love food, good food that is!