Farra: "Oh my gosh, guess what we're doing for the dessert?"
Juan: "What?"
Farra: "Ok, are you ready?... Triple Ginger and Lemon Quark Whoopie Pies!" [P.S. I'm beaming from ear to ear and can't sit still]
Juan: "uhhhhh..." [He's not beaming and looks rather confused!]
Farra: "You don't know what Whoopie Pies are, do you?"
Juan: "uh, no, not really..."
Farra: [I'm still not ready to give up, I just need to put my lawyer hat on] "Ok, picture this...triple ginger cookies that are a little chewy, and soft, but firm enough to hold a filling in the center...ok, don't you remember those Little Debbie pies that came individually wrapped? Like that, but waaaay better and a thicker, cakier cookie!" [Still beaming with a huge smile, thinking at least the smile will convince him]
Juan: "uhhhh, I'm not too convinced....it's not a ginger theme, ya know"
Farra: [Ok, completely crushed, the smile didn't work, my descriptive words didn't work...my smile fades, but the lawyer hat stays on!] "Because 2 of our dishes have ginger in them, all of a sudden it's a ginger theme? It's the last course, ginger is so refreshing, so springy, so cleansing...who would not be delighted to finish off with a probiotic cheese and ginger??"
Juan: "I guess, but I'm not convinced and I don't really want that to be the dessert course."
Farra: "Fine, I can stand alone on this one..."
You get the point....Juan was "not too convinced". This went on for days and a couple of weeks, stating cases back-and-forth between the "ginger's not the theme" vs. "who said it was?" We asked friends (who all agreed with me, by the way :)), Juan searched for alternative desserts and it was 3 days before the pairing when I was planning on making the dessert to finalize the beer pairing and Juan one last time made his plea for the NO GINGER. So, I finally agreed that I would try to find another dessert. After searching, rhubarb seemed to be the only thing that was half as exciting as Triple Ginger Whoopie Pies.
We sampled two desserts that night:
Triple Ginger and Lemon Quark Whoopie Pie vs. Rhubarb and Blueberry Crisp
At first bite of the whoopie pie, Juan started laughing and when I asked him why, he said, "You were right."
The Whoopie Pies made the cut and paired beautifully with Bear Republic's Pete Brown Tribute Ale!
Way to show 'em Whoopie Pies!
I wouldn't be challenged to find different seasonal courses if it weren't for Juan and he wouldn't get to say "You were right" if it weren't for me :) All gloating aside, we work very well together and compliment our different styles. I'm up for a dessert dual with you any day, Juanito!
I miss you guys!